Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I'm eating biscuits my daughter made this morning. Cute little hearts and flower shaped ones. I knew the smell of them would draw my husband from his sleep into the kitchen in search of this family delight. Bed head and barley dressed he starts to tell us of his latest money making deal. Some guy at work wants to sell his enviromentally conscious car to buy another and isn't getting a good price from the lot guys. So Tom was told " If you help me sell this car, I will give you money to help you buy a digtial camera". That was a challenge he couldn't pass up. It just so happens we have a friend who is very interested in this type of car and it sounds like she is going to buy it! Tom starts his little "I made a great deal dance" and goes back to bed. It's at times like these when I think to myself how easy it would be to live like this ( finding and making deals) instead of the drudgery of an everyday job? Could we survive? Would it be consistant enough? The fear of not answering all these questions with a resounding YES keeps us on the safe track of socialital acceptance. But is assures me that we would survive!!!! even if we did have to collect cans on the side of the road.

So why am I thinking this way? That there will be some great loss in our lives to put us into this type of situation? I'm thinking that I will always be on guard. Living out of my car for a week kinda puts you there. Living in a house that I cannot pay rent and buy food can keep me there. Riding a bike that is not yours to steal food from a churches kitchen because I had'nt eaten in several days can put you there. Thank you Dan Flannigan.

Survival.......building character and strength.
Sometimes life can be so good that these scenarios creep up on me again. reminding me that it could happen any of us. Once you've been there, you don't want to return. who would? But just in case. I am always thinking of ways. The surivival instinct. A show on survival can't emulate the loneliness and pain. just the inconvience of some slight suffering according to our lives, as easy as they are! Where's the gratefulness? How can you really appreciate something as simple and being warm? water? food? Clothes? Friends? Someone who thinks about you so your not so alone?

Alone, now that's scary


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