Thursday, December 18, 2003

Into myself too much

So this time of year gets me everytime. I haven't quite figured it out. It could be good timing with mother nature or another cyclilcal thing. I withdrawl . Go into hiding. I feel too much is going on and I can't keep up. I don't want to keep up. I want to be left alone. Sounds bad and depressing.
Too much into myself. "Get over it" a voice says inside. then other voices are telling me it's okay to feel this way, it's "normal". I don't.
So how do I get through it? I put on a party face and plow through it. Keeping the paces until it passes. And it always does. I wonder if it is my souls way of saying "it's time to reflect" since I don't volunteer to do it on my own.
Why haven't I gotten outside of myself yet? What is taking so long? What is it that I need to learn yet in order to move on? I feel stuck.


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