Sunday, January 18, 2004


Sunday school went well today. All the kids where there. I made pancakes in the class for the kids snack today. What a blast! After sunday school the kids have children choir, then it is time for service. During the passing time in the halls, the Blake's get their coats and gather up their items for next weeks lesson and split.
When leaving I feel strange. Like I'm betraying someone or something. Myself? My Sunday School kids?
Am I not mentoring properly? Am I a bad egg in the christian faith of our church? Am I suppose to represent better than I do? Why am I not giving this to my own children? Are we setting a bad example?
Better yet...does the service offer anything for us? A resounding NO!
But should we be there for other's instead of just thinking of ourselves, our needs? I guess I don't fully understand what it takes to be participating in a church. Maybe I am gettiing all worked up about nothing.
I don't need the guilt. There's more in this world that needs my time and energy.

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." ~Alan Ashley-Pitt


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