Thursday, January 29, 2004

"There's one good thing about snow -- it make's your lawn look as good as your neighbor's."

Man, We got the snow! We've spent the last three days indoors. Occasionally the girls will go out and play in the drifts made by the guy who plows our driveway. I on the other hand, stuck my nose in a book. What a luxury to lay about with blankets and read. Unfortunately, I was experiencing a the beginnings of a migraine. It first started out as a headache and worked it's way into my jaw then the throat and the stomach. It has been four years since I've had one of these. No light, no noise, darkness and needing drugs. I didn't have anything for a migraine. Nor could I drive anywhere to get anything. I had to reach out and ask for help. But before I did that I suffered a few more hours. Called a friend who is a D.O. and asked if she would call me in something to the pharmacy. No problem. But now I had to call someone to pick it up for me. When you feel like your going to die because of the pain your in and someone you love answers the phone and wants to help, it makes me feel overwhelmed. I love being there for people who need help. There is no better feeling than helping out someone who needs your help. But when the tables are turned, it's harder. Is this the blessing or the woe? {choices}
So the drug were taken and an hour and a half later, It was gone.{11:30pm} Today I deal with the side effects of the migraine and the drugs.
I would like to send out a prayer for a family who is going through some struggles because of a let go in the job. The timing couldn't be worst with their son getting ready to go to college. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

~Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. --William Ellery Channing


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