Thursday, February 19, 2004


Laying on the floor in my girls room listening to a book on tape has been a tradition we've kept for the last three or so years. The adventures, humor and sadness they have experienced is invaluable.
As the story unfolds, Amy lays in bed with her string of flower lights on reading the book along with the tape. Cute curtains surround her bed for privacy. Up above is her older sister, rummaging around in her bed getting it ready for sleep by arranging her items and putting them in their proper places. Her string lights go out and a minute later a little flashlight goes on. I layed there looking at my girls doing their thing and I wonder what they are think and feeling? What's it like BEING a kid? Being Happy, secure? because I know they are. The pain in my chest is a good pain. Knowing we are raising happy kids who can be kids. No concerns about weather or not your parents will get a divorce. or sucide attempts and alcohol abuse, Loud music all night long, or being threatened at school by a bully because you wear the same dirty clothes to school everyday.
My kids will never experience that kid of childhood. I'm not that selfish. Sometimes I'm not that selfish to a point where I suffer because I don't think of myself. Going in the opposite direction is healthy either. This pattern is common. Those who were neglected, neglect . Or those who were neglected take the opposite road to compensate. Lucky for me, the only "distruction" fragments are toward myself by not thinking of myself enough. But, it can effect your family if it goes on too long. I'm glad I can think about it this way. The hard part is putting it into action!

So hears to me!
Here's to making a difference.
Here's to being happy.
Here's to my sanity.
here's to my wonderful family and friends!
{all this while holding up my coffee cup}


she's wilting
like a scarf
draped on the arm
of an easy chair
less easy
than i feel inside

she's blossoming
like a watering can
opening itself to the ground
its insides out
one drop
at a

she's flowering
more or less
reflecting the sun
off petals that seem to curl
whenever i appear
and yet

she's growing on me

~by Tung Le


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