Friday, February 06, 2004

Making Valentines

Our gathering began on a sorrow note. The Carley girl who was abducted and killed set an hour of conversation before any cards were made. It could happen to any of our kids. I hope my conversation with my girls about the ployes used by these sick people will stick. I don't let them out of my site. Never had. The idea that my 11 year old wants to ride her bike around the block scares me to death. where's my small town?

The question was asked next on weather or not Kelsey was going to school next fall. The answer isn't for sure until our family meeting this Sunday. But if it is yes, they both will be going back. This set me to cry for a loss I haven't quite figured out yet. Hormones! They suck!

In the meantime, the girls and I are on a rampage of making valentines cards and jewlery. I love it when my creative juices are flowing.

~"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." ~Mahatma Ghandi


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