Tuesday, February 17, 2004

TaTaTaTouch me!

A dear friend of mine helped me put a site meter on my blogsite a few weeks ago. I have enjoyed it emensly. So everyday I spy on who is spying on me and it's great! Thanks to the two who visit! LOL. So I am wanting more spiers on my site? What's up with that? I want more interaction with others out there. So to try and lure a few my way I have been checking out sites of sites of one person who has other sites on her site! YEOW! So the blogs I have been reading, although wonderful, are from young people. Nothing is wrong with that, just that I would like to read about someone who has lived longer than 20 years. I need an older sisterhood. And brothers! So hit me!

~Out she reaches touching this darkened soil of an aged earth.
Soft hair and tender eyes she walks this path to its very end.
Colours reaching from a gentle wind giving life's beauty a natural worth.
Slowly bowing, rising, turning, from this smile it sent my friend.
~Jim Williamson


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