Thursday, March 04, 2004

The gift of dying

“All of us need to give our love to a dying person, but if we have come in touch with the nature of our mind, stabilized it through our practice of meditation, and integrated it into our lives, then the love we have to give can only be deeper, because it comes from a different source, from our innermost being, the heart of our enlightened nature. It has a special quality of freedom. This kind of love, beyond all attachment, is like divine love. It is the love of all the buddhas, the love of Christ, of God.

In that state, without contriving, and even without thinking, we can feel the presence of the Buddha or of Christ. It’s as if we become their ambassador, their representative, our love backed by their love, and infused with their blessing. Love that springs truly from the nature of the mind is so blessed that it has the power to dispel the fear of the unknown, to give refuge from anxiety, to grant serenity and peace, and to bring inspiration in death and beyond.”

~ Sogyal Rinpoche

Oh how this touched me............


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