Wednesday, March 24, 2004


Spring is a transformation of energy. Healing is a transformation of energy too. As the destructive energy associated with negative emotions is released, the life-enhancing energy of new, positive experiences flows in.

My favorite lesson of spring is about power. The maple tree comes into leaf slowly. Its progress is so subtle and so gradual it happens imperceptibly.

The process is exquisitely gentle. The new growth is fragile and vulnerable.

Yet, in six weeks time I looked out at a magnificent tree, it's branches clothed with strong leaves that can withstand gale force winds.

All that strength, brought into being by slow, subtle, gentle, gradual energy.

The energy of spring. The energy of healing.

The power of life.

© Sally Scott, M.A., R.C.C.~Spiritual Sisters

This is exactly where I have been for a few days. I'm going through some kind of change. This change puts a welling into my throat. I'm not sure if it is a good thing, this change, or not.


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