Monday, April 26, 2004

Egg Salad and Boundary wire.

Going to visit my friend Cindy who is moving next month . She invited me over for a "last day on the job drink." More like drink-s! I will truly miss my good friend. We have a special friendship. We are like sisters. Lots of people think we are , which is so cool! LOL. She made me promise to bust her anytime she starts to sound or act like her mother. I love that Job! Now it will have to be done in long distance. Not so dificult I'm sure. E-mail is awesome, but in person in invaluable. Our friendship is for life, I am comforted by that. I predict alot of crying from this day until she leaves next month. I will be very active in the move, so that may help.

So while eating egg salad, (yesterday) YUM, my husband is outside getting ready to start an invisible fence in our yard. 1000 feet of wire will be placed 1-3 inches underground . A two day job easy! Tomorrow I start the training process with Mackinaw, my two and a half year old tri-sheltie. What a good dog....but.......he has issues! LOL. What alot of work this will be. But I think it will pay off faster than the manual says, because Mack isn't difficult to train. I look forward to him staying out of my garden and out of the neighbors yard in back, who already threaten to call the humane society. bummer.

Getting ready to go on vacation for two weeks. At least I'll have my husband home for two weeks. That honey-do list is so long! So I have narrowed it down to a few things that are most important and scraped the rest for now. That reality! We need to have some fun man!!! Not to mention a little Bling-Bling!

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."--Robert McCloskey


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