Thursday, April 22, 2004


The homeschooling group made a trip to Grand Rapids to the Meijers Gardens a few weeks ago. Going to Grand Rapids reminds me of my sister Patty. This was the last known address of hers that I have. So lying in bed this morning , not able to to get past 5:30am, I started thinking about all my brothers and sisters. We don't talk! We don't at all, in anyway get a hold of each other! I have fax numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses, but still no communication. It has been like that from the beginning. The only thing we have in common is a father who had no business having children. Six of them. Michael, the oldest has been married three times, following dad's path nicley. Vicki, who died a fews years ago from alcohol posioning married twice. Mark married twice as well and to follow is David. I find it amazing how disposable marriage can be in our family. Not to mention how disposable our brotherhood and sisterhood can be. I'm sure they think " man, I should, but I won't" or I can't" or if I do there would be no response and then what?" "Okay, I tried? What would be the point?" I cannot gain back what was never really there in the first place. I do feel a loss but the same time they are strangers. Our lives will problably never pass each others. Even if it did, I wouldn't recognize them. At times I am grateful for not having all the drama that comes with a close or semi close family. The baggage I've seen........But at the same time I've seen wonderful aspects of family that I crave and have achieved in my life through my husband's family and friends whose life styles I respect. So , hey siblings, I hope you've found what you have been looking for in life because I have!
~p.s. give me a call sometime.

~Any woodsman can tell you that in a broken and sundered nest, one can hardly find more than a precious few whole eggs. So it is with the family.--Thomas Jefferson


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