Thursday, May 27, 2004

This isn't pretty

Okay, I think I have Trust issues. The trust I am not getting from others. Maybe even respect. Where did I lose it and why? Tom seems to think that I leave myself open to this. What does that mean? Leave myself open to it? Of course he couldn't give me any examples of "leaving myself open to it"..he never does when he gives me his two cents. which is all it is when he can't elaborate for me. Lame!

So the feeling of people not hearing me or taking me seriously is bugging the hell out of me. I am competing with people who have to have their hands in everything and that sucks because they don't leave anything alone. even when it's not suppose to imvolve them!!! Why do these people think that everything has to have their signature on it.

I just want people to respect that I have a handle on things that get handed to me. That I am able to pull things off without having them be involved. Even my own husband doesn't trust me. He doesn't trust my recall ability, he doesn't trust my cooking, "Is there mustard in that?" He doesn't need to ask someone else to make sure what I told him was true. Whats that?
Then when I have opinions about sets and lighting and costumes that they get some validlity instead of poo pooed off like " what does she know". Or " we've" already taken care of that. To even consider that the only thing that I am doing for this play is a Rock prop !!! and that maybe I can handle that!!!???? without anyone's two cents? Am I being to sensitive about these stupid things? that I should just get over and move on? Ignore it? Hell no.
I deserve the same considerations as anyone else. I am VALID!!! So kiss my ass!


~Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.--Mohandas Gandhi


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