Wednesday, May 26, 2004

What can I say?

Nothing I guess. I haven't been inspired to write on my blog latley. I think it's because I really don't want to expose myself too much. I have some shit going on with me, but I don't want to clam it yet. what's up with that? I can't lay it out there. So off I go with life and all is well until I resolve what ever it is that is bugging me. What bugs me is that I only have this issue in my life that is far most right now. It seems so meager and un-important compared to the whole picture of life itself.. why does it weight so much on me? why does it keep me from reaching out? I don't return calls. I don't want people making plans and including me. I want to be left alone.... But I don't. So I make things happen and I am , most of the time very glad I had.
So what the hesitation? Why the stall? Am I not listening?

~If you want to love, take the time to listen to your heart. In most ancient and wise cultures it is a regular practice for people to talk to their heart. There are rituals, stories, and meditative skills in every spiritual tradition that awaken the voice of the heart. To live wisely, this practice is essential, because our heart is the source of our connection to and intimacy with all of life. And life is love. This mysterious quality of love is all around us, as real as gravity… Yet how often we forget about love….
~Jack Kornfield


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