Monday, August 30, 2004

Where am I?

Lost in books these days. History, and plenty of book searching for the girls. We are just about in full swing with schooling. World history starts next week and so does latin.

Chick weekend is coming up soon! So looking forward to it!!! I felt earlier this year that all six of us would be together for the first time in years. But the looming in the back ground is a very ill mother of one of our moms. The parents are getting older. Illnesses and long recoveries.
We go back to church this coming Sunday. I decided that I needed to teach sunday school this year because I verbally said that I would. I have honor that. So, I have three kids this year. How cool is that? And one of them is mine! Three girls. (1)5th & (2)6th grade. I'm excited. I feel much more relaxed now. I have no idea what's ahead for us witht his church. It's been that way from day one and it has turn out many good things in our lives.

1by Jeremy Lespi


The "I" is Someone Else

Some people inhabit their lives
like a reflection does a mirror,
the way a penny rests in a well.
It killed me, you in The Alibi,
a vodka shot in your hand, warning,
"When I come back, I want you
waiting right here."
Me, tendering the illusion of another
self, a projection in the way
a movie can still run with no viewers.
Some people fill their lives
the way a shadow thinly satisfies
a wall, or an arrow finishes a heart.

~by Jeremy Lespi


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