Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.--Dr. Suess

Cool air is back and I couldn't be happier!

The acorns and hickory nuts are starting to drop. The tree house roof pings everytime it gets hit. Doen't sound like good sleeping to me. I love Fall. I look forward to the change. Mostly when we've had a hot dry summer. which we haven't hadd this year. So this has been the longest fall on record in my books!

As I was sitting in church this past sunday I realized that it pretty much sucks. Yes, I'm needed. But I can be needed somewhere else. Somewhere where my heart sings out " I have found what I've been looking for!" We will soon be looking for another church. Maybe our church will simply be our very own home.

I've been wanting to talk about how I talk too much about myself. Why can't I just get off it and listen to other people without adding anything....just listen. I know that's the way people communicate and share. But I'm talking getting outside of myself. I'm too wrapped up in where I'm at and where I should be and what is good and not for me. I'm one of those people who rehashes conversations of the day and kicks herself because she said something stupid or totally off the mark. I think I have AADDD!!! Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I should get it checked out. Me Me Me, that's what s it all about.


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