Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I am Merely Here

I miss being on my blog. I miss alot of things these days. I believe I have been not taking care of myself. It is so hard to think of 'me' when so much needs to come first. That is what being a motherr is all about to me. Being the total opposite of my parents who were so wrapped up in their 'drama' they called a life. Man the seventies sucked. The eighties were in second place. During the 'prime' of my life the two decades that were to shape me truly sucked.
So here today the 'prime' of my life started in the 90's and continues to this day! Taking care of my sprirt has got to be push, at least to the middle of the line. I still have some strings that need trimming but don't we all. Perfection doesn't exsist in my life and I refuse to let it in the door.

Chick weekend and I started packing this past weekend. Did that concern my husband? Maybe. I can be excited. He is finding the joy in this special time with his daughters, He has plans. I am grateful. My girls are giving me hugs to last the next four days that I will be gone. How sweet.

The fall here has arrived in all it's glory yesterday. A cold gentle rain has made it apparent that fall is here to stay. the harvest moon has be spectacular! The hickorys and dogwoods are changing beautifully. We won't see this beginning color down south this weekend. I hope to see water in the creek.

Ladies, I'm a coming!


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