Sunday, October 10, 2004

Smell the smells that bind you.........

While straightening up my room I ran across a cloth napkin I had taken down for 'chick weekend'. I never used it except as a cloth to set plates of snacks on. I brought the napkin up to my nose so I could see if the smell of the cabin still lingered. It did, and I smelled it several more times remembering.

The first time I you open the cabin door you smell this smell. Once the first idea of what that smell could represent (urin) passes, it has a comforting effect! Like Aunt Loas' house when I was a kid. That was the place you wish your parents would just leave you there and forget about you.

I feel replenished.

Today was church with a nice twist to it. A dear friend and her family joined us. This was also the first time I will meet our new intern pastor. The sermon was enough to keep my attention. thank you! Funny I should say that! Today service was about being thankful. What I did'nt expect was she was going to make me think...I love it! Being thankful 'in' the moment instead of being thankful 'for' the moment. I had to stop and swirl that around a bit. I felt good about myself at that monent. I felt she touched something in me that I truly felt I possesed. sonething that I felt good about myself for.

I truly believe that I can feel thankful for what I have in my life. Whether good or bad things are happening, there is alway something to be thankful for, most of them very simple things. I think that if I believe this, nothing too bad will happen. What? Is that like wishing? hoping? of course it is. But I think its a way of praying also. Thanks for getting me think today Harriett. I'll see you mext Sunday.


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