Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Sunday: Rushing to church, 15 minutes late. We are going to discuss the books the class had read this week from the Peace basket. The parking lots is full! "Whats going on..?" "Okay, I'm late, that's all." "Oh man....It's the breakfast bridal shower for Ann and her man!" Totally forgot about it! My Sunday school class is in the upstair kitchen where the fellowship room is located. That means I don't have a classroom nor a class because of the shower. Shit! I could have stayed home (my first thought). Second thought out loud was" Get your coats girls were leaving down the back stairs before anyone sees us." There won't be any sunday school class today, and we are not staying for church." In the back of my head I was hoping to get an early start to chair shopping with my husband for my Birthday.

"Hey girls!" "come and have some breakfast, there's plenty" Says Michelle.
Oh, man. we've been spotted. Okay, let's make the best of this, but were are not staying for church service. So we go in and say our nicieties. The girls are looking at me, trying to roll with mom's indecisions and what to do next. The girls are off with the kids and I'm doing my thing with the adults. Not so bad. It went well. My class wants to still have a discussion about the books they read this week and they want to pick out another book! Cool! I couldn't have asked for a greater group to do this Peace Basket with. So off we go to the Young adult class because our classroom had dish washing and foil everywhere! We love the young adult class. It has couches and chairs. Very comfy. Off we went talking about one book at a time. Some books have been read before by other children which makes the disussion go well with my daughter who doesn't regurt very well verbally. She'll get there. Okay. so class is over and we are out of there. "see you next week." But one of the girls in class is doing the children story today. It wouldn't be nice to split now and not stay and support her hard work and effort. So we stayed and my girls look at me again...wondering "what?" "yes, we have to stay. It's the right thing to do."

So much indecision. When oportunity opens a door for me I take it. But Iwant to turn the wrong way. I want to go right when I should go left. I want to say thanks to my girls who rolled with the punches so well with me that day. No hard feelings, no complaining.....maybe they were too afraid to complain in fear that I might loose it. There's always that chance. they know me so well. The whole going against the grain thing (turning left) gets me..... on not so solid ground.

~It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision.--William Pollard


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