Saturday, November 27, 2004

Short, but then again, a long week. School was short. Family gathering to give thanks. Teenagers who are all about 'me'. One child stands out because she's not young enough to 'play' and not old enough to be all about 'me', thank you god. No one asked about our life, Which I was grateful for! The answers never seem to be satisfying enough for them anyway. A repeat again tonight at 'my' side of the family. Felt a bit weird when they started picking names for christmas gifts....we were not included, but the girlfriend of six months was! Part of teh family, but not really? Why do we go through the motions? hmmm?

I recieved my Birthday present from my girls today!! Two Mammal CD's. "Evolver" and 'Rock that Babe' so excited. I am listening to them now. My friend Annie and I are going to this concert in January...can't wait. Thanks for the turn on babe!

Good friends came into town for the holidays from Ohio. We were lucky to get a visit from them for a short two hours. I miss them so. My heart aches just thinking about it. Friends move on. I'm here feeling huge holes in my world. I feel like I'm new in town. Life is forcing my hand once again. The homeschooling group look at me waiting for me to break. Maybe wondering why I didn't react they way they thought I should have . They want to be there for me, but I won't let it happen. I can't. I am so incredibley sad I can hardly stand it. I need to get a grip.


Blogger Lynne said...

I miss those slaps in the face. hmmmmm

9:03 PM  

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