Thursday, January 27, 2005

"Hey, you kinda look like like Harrison Ford!"


Frustrated with my inability to add HTML to my template to get all the bells and whistles I can from my FREE blog. I guess I should be happy that I can just express myself in this simple form and get on with it already! What is kosher anyway? Can I just put anyones Blog on my side bar? I have several I would love to have all condensed in one area so I don't have to visit my favorites on the internet. I have music sites, homeschooling site. Tons of stuff. Putting picture on my site was easy. The site that hosts just does it for you. And its free!! Hello Blog!! Can we get on the ball here? Can you offer what these other (free) sites can give? Like my sanity?

Everyday Life:

Both of our cars are taking a break from their brakes. It was just one car now the other decided to follow suit. Poor Tom , out there in 3 degree weather trying to fix at least one car. This of course is after he has driven all night for his job. Big bucks with the brakes even though Tom does it himself, especially with two cars to be done. The money hole we started getting out of has filled back up and is running over. Four steps forward six steps back.

Some Politics:

I found out from my doubting Thomas, that the "Not One Damn Dime" campaign was a hoax. The idea is to withhold all spending on January 20, Inauguration Day, in protest against the Iraq War. The question is whether this is an effective campaign or whether people who oppose the war should join. Not much of a statement in my thoughts. Bigger protests could be made that would actually make the news at least (I mean Least). Braces were bought that day and so were potstickers.


Back to the curriculum now that the Peace basket has been sent back. The girls want their own curriculum. I thought that was a good idea. Like I have time to do that! So to start we are going to experience all the books in the New Testament. So for the next few months we will be covering the Book of Matthew. Along with the book Matthew, we are reading from "The Meanest Man in Patrick County and Other Unlikley Brethren Heros" by Frank Ramirez. The first story is about the first Brethren Baptism which takes place in Schwarzenau, Germany at the Eder River. Harriet Finney will be a guest in our class and talk about Baptism in the Brethren church and her trip to the Eder river. She even has a bottle of water from that river! How cool is that?


Took a short week from school last week. We had some dear friends come into town for a visit. Along with them came 12 inches of snow! It was nice having guest in my home for a few days. It was very comfortable. Like having my sister come to visit with my nieces and nephew. I wished I had felt better though. I had another guest a few days before and ended up with a bad migrane. Not much of a host I'm afraid. The lingering effects of that headache hung in for days.
The girls are doing well with school. Adding in history this week. The Thirty Year War is next. Math is moving at a good pace. We are about ready for the next workbook in Singapore Math. units of measurements need to be reviewed before we can move forward though and on to fractions again. Waho! I'm really getting it! Grammar is in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing. Thank God. Both the girls have really taken off on creative writing. Being part of a fantasy world of Neopets has helped. But for now, a three foot hill made by the man who plowed our driveway and an inner tube is all one needs on a beautiful sunny day like today.


Besides from feeling crappy for the past two weeks and having to admitt to 'actually' catching something, I'm good. I have taken great pride in my health these last three years. And saying out loud with conviction that 'we' haven't been sick is all tht is needed to ensure you WILL get something!

I am interested in doing a jewlery craft called chainmaille. It would be considered a more medieval type of craft. I am not interested in the medieval portion of it but more in the technique and adding my own twist to it. I'm thinking of adding glass beads to the jump rings to add a prettier touch to the harsh coolness of the metals. Books to be borrowed and bought. This ambition will take a while to get in enough practice to start on the dress form I havein my bedroom. This form is so old that covering it in a fitted crafted tunic might give it the lift it needs.

Singing is also on the horizon. Thanks to a very supportive group of friends I might find myself doing what I enjoy the most. I am meeting with a friend Saturday who sings country music locally, to see if our voices blend well together. This should be interesting.

Making breakfast and helping Tom with bleeding the brakes AND making lunch and listening to my husband tell me that the hairdresser said, "Hey, you kinda look like like Harrison ford!", I managed to get this blog done in 3.5 hours!


Blogger Lynne said...

LOL! The TP thing was out of control! I guess you would think things like that when you come from a family of mostly boys and your procreating nothing but girls in the family now. "just shake it off dear and flush."
I can't believe you have a 9 year old either! It seems to be happening so fast anymore. The beauty of HSing is being there every minute and not missing a thing. (hence) Moms night out! Double digits! LOL. You think they started their period or something. That does put them in that pre-tween years and we've talked about those days coming. And they are still scary to me. It is nice to have friends who are already there and watch from the sidelines and absorb. Onward we go!
Miss you too,

10:03 AM  

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