Thursday, February 10, 2005


"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."~Leo Tolstoy


Found out that the secretary, whom I adored because she never did me wrong, and was always able to putinto words what I couldn't for the bullent, was let go last week. Bonnie had been with us for 4 years. Another change for the church.
This Sunday was our Congregational Forum and Rex Miller who is the Executive Director at Campmack was our moderator for the meeting. While lighting the Christ Candle, he spoke of change for our little church and how important it was in order for thing to be 'alive' again. Rex says, "To not change means your dead".
He had my attention. The meeting went along with it's usual pace. Three of our church members just came back from Sudan and wanted to speak a little about their experiences over there. I was fascinated to find out how they all experienced Sudan differently. They spoke about basic necessities and how we take them for granted. Herd it. But one basic need was met and that was their faith. One young adult representatives is coming from Sudan to the United States to get S.T.A.R. training at (EMUV) Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia. This is a post tramatic stress training program that the e will taken back to Sudan and passed along to other people. One by one. Village by village. Town by town. Providence by providence.

Homebound and personal.

Started a new traditon of gathering with a family friend on Mardi Gras (fat Tuesday). The girls were invited to spend the night if they wanted to. In the meantime, I had made arrangement for Kelsey to spend the night at her best friends house Friday night because I have a Girl Scout sleep over at the Football Hall of Fame. SHOOT ME NOW! That means Amy goes with me and Kelsey needs a place to stay. No sibling allowed! Just school programmed fake babies that cry when ever it wants too!!
Kelsey, knowing that their would be two opportunities for sleepovers in one week, was more than she could handle. I really thought things were improving in the sleepover area these days.
I was so wrong. Kelsey knew about this Friday but not about this Tueday. So that means she's had plenty of time to work herself up about spending the night at Emilys on Friday. But not for Tuesday night. But, in the meantime, Emily's sister had gotten the flu this past weekend. Emily tells this to Kelsey . Kelsey doesn't like to get the flu and throw up....who does? So with that in mind, the sleeping over and the possiblity of 'getting' the flu that Emily's sister had, has Kelsey stressed. Okay, there is a reason for all this info. We are at the Pearmans having our dinner and Kelsey has all this info in her head and not talking to me about. She has had two glasses of pop that had caffeine in it. Kelsey cannot have caffiene. She is very sensitive to it and it makes her feel like crap. So not her mother's daughter!! Kelsey goes outside to get her bag and while out there 'something' in the wood rustles and crys and scares the crap out of her. She comes in and expressed this and we all think it is the stray cat that hangs around. Kelsey starts to shake uncontrollably and she freaking out not knowing why she is shaking. We leave and head home. She goes into an axinety attack! After calling my friend Michelle the doctor, we are doing breathing exercises and trying to find out the reasons for this attack...... One day, three years ago, Amy was ill for all of spring break. A friend of mine asked if Kelsey would like to get out and come spend the night with Cecelia, a school friend....... Great! Kelsey was so into spending the night at this point in her life. They went to a birthday party that night where Kelsey knew no one but Cecelia. They left the party to come back to Cecelia's house when Kelsey got sick in the car and threw up. Diane told Kelsey that the little girls whose party it was had just gotten over the flu and maybe that's how she got it . Okay. These children were bobbing for apples for christ sake. Tons of kids got sick! So the combination of flu and spending the night isn't a cool thing with Kelsey. Knowing her best friends sister had the flu last weekend and spending the night this friday at her house wasn't going to work. "She is tired of people being mad at her for not spending the night." "Honey, no one is mad at you. "These people love you, they understand." With this all out in the open now, maybe she can move forward.

"Watch your thoughts, they become words.  
Watch your words; they become actions.  
Watch your actions; they become habits.  
Watch your habits; they become character.  
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
     ~ Frank Outlaw ~


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