Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by Naphátú.
Great party Saturday Night! Two of my closest friends moved within five months of each other last year. The chance to get them both visiting at the same time has not been easy. So when the opportunity presented itself.....you have a party! The gathering started late and ended early. It was so funny how 'tired' everyone was. "We're getting old" I hear. I had hoped for dryer weather. A bon fire would have been perfect that night. Wondering around, I felt like a shadow in my own house that night, and I liked it. Listening, watching, taking it all in. I went walking outside by myself several times. around the house looking into the windows. Watching people laughing, eating and drinking. It warmed my heart. in the kitchen window I could see John, looking stautes with his arms crossed. Mr. "I fastng today". Looking at him I
remembered an eairler conversation about his newest job and out of no where he tells me his brother is getting a divorce! six kids. Can't take the bitching. "I am so sorry to hear that " I said. "I was just thinking how lucky we are as a group of friends, to have no divorces among us". But according to John it could happen to any of us tomorrow. hmmmmm? I had to step away.
It's nice being the hostess. You have an excuse to step away from an uncomfortable conversation. "I have to be the hostess now please excuse me"

We totally blew off church Easter Sunday. We so needed that. The girls were beside themselves with a lack of sleep from the night before. Laying around reading. Tom eating the rest of last nights Birthday cake for breakfast. Then off to LaPorte to visit the family and slapping a ham down onto the counter. Our donation to the feast. Nieces turning into full blown teenagers. The me me me world. I can't dig it. I guess I will have to when it's my own.
Ham, hot cross buns and jello salad (yuck). We had left within hours to get back to our life. Reading books, hanging wine and beer bottles from last nights party on a tree in the south woods and Ebay. Life is good!

~Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.  ~Author Unknown


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

Dang! I had this great comment earlier but it got lost in the posting. Well...

It was a great party!! And we missed you at church although it turns more and more into a reunion when we go there--Rachel L. leading us around, barefoot, Keim and Sylvia coming up and introducing themselves, both Harriets, and Shirley, and Bob and Ruthann. Oh, and I finally met Izzy!

5:52 PM  

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