Thursday, March 24, 2005

Spring Moss

Spring Moss
Originally uploaded by merelyhere.
What a beautiful sunny day. We are getting ready to leave and take Mackinaw to the park and run around. I'll take my camera with me with hopes of finding something new coming up this early spring.

I have the usuals, sundrops maroone, daffodils greens, iris' peaks. nothing cool. I thought this clump of spring moss would be delightful with its vivid green color. patches of it are all over our yard. The only true spring colors exsiting so far with winters' continued brown. The arbovites are drooping and untidy. The snow was so wet and heavy causing branches and whole trees to bend out of shape. The garden list is starting to grow. I am so excited. Now if the weather would just cooperate enough for me to get out there and get some work done. I am anxious to see how all my fall dividing turned out. Fingers are crossed.

I am ashamed to say I have been reading romance novels!!! Yes, science fiction fantasy. They have reguvenated my sex life. Where have you been???

I was picking up books on tape for my husband at the library . Tom has listened to so many books on tape that I have to make sure that they are at least this years edtions and at least 10 plus tapes long to make it worth his wild. (who new how wild) So here I am picking up thick books on tapes not looking too much at the 'type' of books I am getting. Just as long as they have some kind of sci-fi thang going on he'll like it. WELL, WELL, WELL!!! I picked up a doosey!!! I guess tom had to turn off the tape a few times because it was too much while he was driving! He kept coming home and telling me about this erotic tape I picked up and that I should listen to it. I poo-pooed it. thinking nothing much about. It sat around for a few days in the library basket while Tom gave me more snipits of the story. well, I became intriuged. I listen to it and I was hooked! I had to buy and read the next book and then the next! I am on a role here people!!!!

~ "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
~ Doctor Seuss (1904-1991)


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

Woooo! Racy.

5:47 PM  

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