Friday, June 03, 2005

Poision Ivy For Me!!!

Poision Ivy For Me!!!
Originally uploaded by merelyhere.
So for years I have been bragging about how NOT allergic I am to poision Ivy. and Wham! I got it. I think It pays to keep your mouth shut.

The Girls have a spot in the wood to the south of our property, which isn't our property. But it has been left to grow at will. For years the girl's have been playing in there, building their little chairs and forts. They even had a beautiful bottle tree. This bottle tree was important to our girls because the bottles that were hung on its branches were from their friends Rowan and Cadie. They had a little ceremony there at the last gathering and hung these bottles in the tree. that was a lot of work! 20-25 bottles easy. WELL, some teenagers got into that area and maliciously desstroyed everthing the girls had created. They were devesataed for days. They hurt that anyone would destroy what was so precious to them. It was as though they lost their friends again. I said "the only thing that got destroyed were the bottles. Rowan and Cadie are safe and so are your memories of what you created together. No one can take that away from you". Well, that seem to work, but the need to salvage as much as possible was a must. rocks, bottles, wooden stools made for all four girls was pulled out and placed into the garage. I was determind not to let them back into those woods again. It felt threatening to me. So I suggested that they hang out in the woods directy behind out house. No one goes back there. We have a few paths already established for the purpose of picking black rasberries. So how hard could it be to create an extention to those paths and create a new woodland fantasy for the girls? Out comes the weed wacker and off to work I go wacking down everything that would touch the girls as they traveled back into the wood to their new spot. Well, I guess I wacked a bit to much of the ivy stuff and now I have systemic poision ivy. it took several days for it to appear in three to four different places. Itching started and then I got it on my face. I can't have that! So now I am on two weeks of predniesone. I hope to get all the positive effects from this. I can do alright with the lack of sleep as long as I get the energy that comes along with it. I'm going to ignore the rest of the side effect and pretend they don't apply to me (grin).


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