Friday, August 12, 2005

strike four and your luck will change?

Carnivorous Pitcher Plant
Originally uploaded by Por Bem.
The day before we left for chicago, Tom noticed one of the tire had a screw sticking out of it. He wanted to take the van in and get a plug put in the tire but the man said all the tires needed replacing. They only had 30,000 miles on them! We were warranted up to 60,000. They gave a a credit of $25.00 for each tire but the bill was still over $200.00. (that's one).

Made it to Laporte to pick up Mom and off to the American Girl store. we have never been there when it was this packed before. I'm finding it harder and harder to be in large crowds of people anymore. But I did get to see my friend Suzie and her daughter Kit from Girlscout. Suzie is the girlscout leader and I am the Assistant no more. At least when I call her and tell her I am not coming back to gilrscout this year (sheepish grin).

We had to take Kelsey's doll to the doll hospital to get her premature balding problem taken care of. After all the paper work was done we walked away far enough where Kelsey felt comfortable to to say that she thinks two of the girls she talks to on the American Girl chat site are there. One of them is from California!!! How did she reconize them? How did they recognize each other?

Well, come to find out, they talked so much about the condition of their dolls and what they wear on a regular basis, they couldn't help but notice and put two and two together. They were off chatting about how they recognize each other and what they were going to get that day. ~ with their own money of course, In the meantime the mom's just stood their looking like cod fish with their mouths hanging open.

After lunch and a trip to the Science and Industry museum, the cruise got bumped due to weather, we headed home. Just past the LaPorte exit the muffler on the van starts to scrapand bounce on the road and bangs and tinks off across the road ending up in the middle of the tollway while three semi trucks try expertly to avoid running over it. The last truck nipped it with it's front tire sending it to the side of the road. what a site. we are so so glad we did'nt cause an accident (number two).

Mom problably thikns we are such bad car owners. She's the one that GAVE us the van. LOOSERS!

The next day was a last minute dentist appt for Kelsey and a song that needed to be worked on at Laureens. "The muffler will have to wait, but wait!! theirs anitfreeze leaking front he van! where is that coming from?" (number three) "It will have to wait we are late!" Backing up the van to leave for Laureens and smashing my tripod sprinkler was (number four). It has to get better now right?
We see nothing but money signs in front of our eyes. Taking vacations are starting to get expensive and we hardly went anywhere!!


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