Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Treehouse Year Three~Sofits!!

Treehouse Year Three~Sofits!!
Originally uploaded by merelyhere.
I hear the tree nuts hitting the roof of the tree's these days. I love hearing that 'bing' sound. Fall is on the cusp. The garden is getting a golden brown tone to it now that the season is coming to a close. I have plenty of work to do out there and I plan on enjoying every minute of it.

These past few days have been heaven. The cool nights have me sleeping hard. At least until Mackinaw starts barking because other dogs are barking in the neighborhood. It funny how I can tell what a bark means by the different barks he makes. Last night was the "someone is in my yard bark" that one always gets me out of bed. usually that just means a raccoon, but I look anyway.

The school buses are runnning today. The familiar sound of whinning tires irritates me because Mackinaw chases them (within the boundary of his yard of course) But it's all that barking that gets to me. But it's his life and he loves it.

School starts tomorrow for my girls. They are ready, excited and nervous. Lots of questions this week about school, but no regrets, it is what it is and it is good.


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

I second that!

11:23 AM  

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