Monday, October 31, 2005

Darden Bridge.

Darden Bridge.
Originally uploaded by merelyhere.
Great weekend!!
Parties don't seem to be the same grandure they used to have as in the past. Lives have changed, children get older and have activities and functions. We are all in a different way now. The big laughs and rolling parties will have to wait when the kids are in college and we have a little more free time on our hands. Then it will be "remember when" parties.

Tonight is Halloween. Dad of course is behind all the costumes for the girls. so much for the budget.
We all have that little kid inside us. There is no value to bring that out..... Priceless.

As usual, we will get no trick or treaters. I didn't even buy candy knowing no one will show up. If they do, they will get an apple thanks to Annie, or maybe some apple-rosemary bread from Corrine. These treaters have no idea what they are missing.

I have two weeks to produce and send in a necklace for the Holy Cross Auction as my donation with hopes of getting some orders. If not, I'll just move on to the next area of interests in chain maille. I want to manage the byzantine and celtic styles next. Yes, greg, I am thinking of you.

My Sister and brtother-in laws are wanting the family to come for Thanks giving this year. They bought a new house in Stevenville and want the family to come and check it out. This is the family whose 16.5 year old is pregenant. They have sent us pictures of her exposed stomach at five months. I don't want to see this? Please don't send us these pictures. I can't be all "aww" how sweet is that". I don't see how we can even show up for thankgiving. We have no desire to go because of this. How do you get beyond it? How do you embrace it and do you? Just put on a face and move through it? I don't like my hand being forced obviously. I guess I would want my extended family to embrace any of my girls if they found themsleves in
that situation, but, I don't want to have to think about that right now. why should I.....We? should we rally around as a family? should we support one another no matter what? But I was thinking in sickness and death and weddings, not teenage pregnancies. They have sent a second request to us for an answer to their original question of two weeks ago. All I want to do is make an excuse not to go. How immature is that?


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

This is such a topic for a face to face conversation.

7:49 AM  

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