Thursday, November 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by merelyhere.
I had to bring along the camera this morning while taking the girls to school. The trees along Pinhook and the St. Joseph are amazing when first light comes over the tree tops from the east. The mighty red oaks speak for themselves this year along with the Maples and the Hickorys.

Wacking down the back forty this week in order to have a place for all the leaves in our yard this year. I refuse to burn. In a few short years we'll have some amazing hummus. That space was going to the blackberry vines anyway.

Going to a party saturday night at Elaines. I feel a need to buy a new outfit just to feel like I fit in
[ Oh Hell ]. All these artsy people I don't know with their cha- cha clothes and their expensive colonges and up to date hair styles. Who can keep up? I'll just hang out at the bar. I hope there's a bar........ "Mannie please!" Burrrap! Oh?! was that me? sorry."

I went to visit my brother Mark last Saturday. He called to say that he has bags of clothes for the girls if I was interested. I haven't seen Mark in a couple of years. I showed up at their house that should be condemned and burned to the ground. Its amazing what filth people will live in. Where did he get that from anyway? And with that said, I rummaged through five bags of BRAND named clothing. Stuff I could never afford nor want to purchase. But it was free and in mint condition. I did leave behind all the attitude t-shirts. Who needs those when you have a mom like me? "more coffee please!"

My brother Mark quit smoking three years ago and has gained a very dangerous amount of weight. I couldn't beleive that was him sitting in that lazyboy chair. "345" he says, like he's amazed or somewhat proud to have managed that weight. It scared me to no end seeing him like that. I hope he finds a way back before health matters start taking over.
It amazes me how my family has filled just about every unhealthy category ones life could have. From alcoholism, obesity, marital affairs, divorces, drugs,smoking, suicides, jail time, losing all their teeth before 30, and the KKK.

Tom voiced his concern about going to Thanksgiving at the inlaws because of Samantha's pregancy. He feels that the girls don't even know where babys come from yet and that it will open up to 'those' questions too early and that our hand are being forced to have "the conversation "[which, it is time for kelsey].
Kelsey has expressed a concern about going and seeing her cousin. I don't think our verbal opposition in this helped any in her comcerns.
We are going..............with great trepedation but we are going. THE WHOLE family will be there. Mom sent an e-mail asking us if we were OK about going. Weird. that must means conversations are being had at our lack of response to the invite. Great! we're pegged. we'll get there and be the only ones who feel the way we do and that their is something wrong with us. Oh well. I hope there's Cool Whip.


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