Saturday, December 03, 2005

This weekend is a very busy. and to top it all off, the Pontiac's brakes went out yesterday. This poor car has 213,000 miles on it. So we will be going in style to the Renaissance Auction tonight with it's non-optional VALET parking, in our HUGH two tone rusty gas guzzling bumper sticker laden van. People will judge us by our vehicle of choice. At least we had half a prayer with the poor old Bonnie! A good sweep job and a car wash, and no one could look beyond the leather seats and pretty dash board lights that the inside of the car has to offer! I could blast the Cake song "Race car Ya-Ya's!"
Needless to say, I don't really care what people think of my car (s). I know better. As Cindy always says when we say something stupid or do something stupid.... "But at least you look good!!!!!" Thanks Cindy.

Amy has Volleyball games for a few more week. Longer than I had originally thought. I am happy about that. I do enjoy the games. Who knew I had a love for Volleyball!!! So today we are at St. Matthews. Then back home to make a necklace to go with my super cool outfit I pickup yesterday. Yes, I was going to wear a the dress that I wore at Ron and Corrines wedding and it fits! Except in the arms!!! Hello? If anything, I thought it would be the ususal hips or thighs, but now its the arms. I had a good laugh and was happy with what I ended up with. But of course shopping at the least minute sucks a lot!!! In the meantime, Tom will start to work on the Bonnie. Let's hope all goes well. We really need this second car. Getting up at 5:30am to pick up my husband at work isn't ideal for me, Although easier these days because of getting my girls up for school. Still, hard when it 16 degrees out.

Tomorrow we help our friends from Wisconsin move into their new home. Burr!! I get to see people I haven't seen in a long time. Too bad everyone has to work the next day. A party sounds good.

Next week is a mellow week. I've been looking forward to this week. My Christmas shopping is done so maybe it's time to work on Christmas decorations. I hope not to spend any money on new decorations. What we have will have to do. The money we have spent the past two weeks has caused me to stress a bit. It's not a hugh amount. Not compared to recent years but spending monies outside of the budget freaks me out these days. I think my husbands mattress stuffing days are rubbing off on me. Who am I kidding? I can spend money as good as the rest. But I do want to get rid of the debt we have accumulated over the past three years. I am motivated by the fact that the balance is still very much in the red. At the same time, life must go on....But responsibly.

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
--Hamilton Wright Mabie~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had fun on Sat. night. For a minute I had a song flashback of the BayCity Rollers singing.. S~A~T~U~R~D~A~Y~ NIGHT!...must be the 40's or the wierd day! You are the Christmas Queen, wish I was done. Hope to start this week.

1:21 PM  

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