Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The tooth fairy doesn't visit here anymore. Amy just walked right to the tooth fairy box and placed her recent pull with the rest of her and her sister's teeth. I passed her a buck and she said, "thanks." This is a very strange thing I have created, collecting my girls teeth. Maybe I am trying to make up for the lack of a decent childhood photo album?

St. Nicholas day was yesterday. 400 pre-packed bags of candy and gold coins was placed into every child's shoe. Of course I had to stop and start several times in my deliveries to accommodate the special reading classes but all was delivered. It was asked that the junior high not take off their shoes and place them in the hall in fear of stinky shoes. Thank you God.

I stayed to help with Arby's bunday then ate lunch with a few of the 'regulars' that do everything for the school. Sitting there listening to the conversations, I find I can better spend my 'not so negative' energies elsewhere. I can't get too emotionally involved with these women. Some to me just don't have a clue how to pick the important battles. I don't have patience for the petty who said what and whose pissed off at who crap. I just want to run screaming through the halls right out the door to my car. My dose of that comes from my girls and their issues with friends. That I can handle. It is much more natural to me that my girls, at their age, are dealing with this kind of stuff. Not in my peer group.

Down to one car again. All well used items in our lives are coming to a head at the same time! The car, Van, Cordless phone, washer, yes, I flooded the basement again! And the fridge. All on the cusp of Christmas. Figures eh?

Deep breath.

The auction evening was lovely. The necklace had several bids and ended up selling to my Foster Mother for $80.00. It's nice to know it is in the family so I can see it once in a while.

Helped move our Madison friends into their new spacious home. Only if you call us women standing around and OOOH-ing about the house while the men did the heavy work helping. What a cold day it was! Looking forward to the New Years Eve party this year in their banquet size basement. Maybe the band will play? Just kidding.

~"Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life, impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of us by the same route."
~Charles Caleb Colton


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The older I get the the less patience I have for the negatives people who have that kind of time need to get a life! Good for you for recognizing it. You can always come here with laundry if you need to. Good luck with the car...wish I could help more.

12:50 PM  

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