Thursday, February 09, 2006

Not at all lost in the bubble I call my life.

A routine of early morning Yoga and some soothing
Meditative music and life for me gets off on the right foot.
As I lay in corps pose with palms facing up, I have Mackinaws' nose in one palm and Tiggers' furry belly facing up in the other. This reminds me of when the kids were little; getting on the floor was only an invitation for attentive play.
My body warms and my mind wakes as I think about the muscles I am stretching and the jewelry I am working on this week. The Native American music is perfect this morning.

Friends Jam this Saturday. Looking forward to working on some newer songs. I took the liberty to pull Suzanne in early last week to get some harmony work done before the next jam. It seems as though the boys don't think about working on voice issues, just muscial ones. Several of us have taken it upon ourselves to get together a week or so before to work on voice parts in order to be productive. The short amount of time that we have once a month to jam, isn't enough to cover everything I guess.

I am in fear of driving my car, because it tends to die when ever it wants to while I am out doing errands. I guess this type of stuff will continue to happen until we bite the big one and purchase another 'used' vehicle. Maybe 215,000 miles is enough for the old Bonnie. (sigh) My first 'materialistic' car. Now I am spoiled and want leather seats on the next car. This will not be an option, because we are too prrrrrractical for that to happen again, (did I studder?) unless of course we get lucky again. (grin)

Amazon and Ebay have been steady. The book cases in our house are quite empty now. More room for Cha Cha's!! Tigger seems to think it's a safe place to sleep. There wasn't too much that I sold that we didn't read and enjoy. Many of the items that are for sale are items bought and never looked at again. Why keep them?
Many of the children's books are from the friend of the library sale. .10 cents here, .25 cents there. These books are for sale on Amazon also but with 80+ copies at 0.1 cent a piece, I won't waste my time trying to sell them. These books will be donated to the teachers at Holy Cross. After spending time on Amazon, I could see why all those people would come to the Library sale and purchase hundreds of books, If not to fill a small school libraries or teachers rooms, They can sell them on the internet and make money! My energies are elsewhere.

Kelsey is home today. The Jr. High classes are taking their yearly sky trip to Swiss Valley. Kelsey wanted nothing to do with it. I think being home weight out more important than a scary bus trip up north. (weird) She doesn't want to sky. She doesn't want to ride the bus. She doesn't want to sit in the Lodge and play cards with one of the teachers who refuses to sky also. The offer to video tape the trip didn't pull her in either. It is what it is. Maybe next year. I didn't want to push her. The students, parents of the students and the teachers did that for me. I'm done.
So we will go grocery shopping together today. Clean out a overstuffed closet in the hallway and maybe go out for lunch. Could I make it any easier for her to want to stay home with me? I'm not complaining, just causcious.

~ "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is not path and leave a trail"

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


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