Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saint Valentines Day

St. Valentines Day at the Blakes can be a circus act!
Tom take the girls out to get cards and candy for mom, then
Lynne takes the girls out to get Tom cards and candy, then
Tom takes Amy out to get Kelsey a card and candy, then,
Lynne Takes Kelsey out to get Amy a Card and candy.

Once that is finished, all cards are signed and candy placed in bags and put onto the kitchen table until Valentines Day starts, which is when tom gets up and that is usually 2:00pm.

Money and time aside, this has been a tradition of ours for many years now. It simply means chocolate covered caramels for Kelsey, Chocolate covered cherries for Amy, anything with dark chocolate on it for Mom and lemon jellybellies for Tom.

The heart shaped meatloaf didn't happen this year. I didn't think far enough ahead to manage that one. I was too wrapped up in the vacuum of Holy Cross activities to get it accomplished.

I am trying to put a photo portfoilio together of the jewlery I've made in the last year. I want to beable to show a visual of what pieces I can make to promote more orders. I have several people interested in viewing it at Holy Cross so I need to get on it!. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool! Thanks to Roberta and Colleen, I have people asking .

This weekend is ours!! The weather sounds like it will be bleak, so maybe I will plan to bake bread with the girl's or if they have saved up enough money, go shopping for clothes. Yes, I said it. My hand is forced in this area. Nothing for me of course.
The key is to take one girls at a time. Kelsey is my hardest to find shirts for. Pants seem to trickle in okay. Amy is great on pants and very difficult when it comes to shirts. She wants cool, but doesn't like the glitter crap or flowery stuff. Lord help me!


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

Bake that bread, Lynne. Sounds like a wonderful weekend coming up.

9:53 AM  

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