Monday, March 20, 2006

Getting up Sunday morning knowing we have the whole day to our selves makes me breathe easier and knowing that Amy no longer has a fever helps also.
Grazing the Sunday paper, breakfast and a clean sweep of the house and we have the rest of the days to ourselves.

Bathingsuits are at the forefront of our daughters' thoughts and it's a really good thing that it was. Trying to find a suit any later in the year and it would be a sure disaster. Especially when one pieces are practically nonexistent. Everything has string ties behind the neck (which they both hate). It take some serious digging. I am so glad that Tom came along. Stop laughing! He was helpful until it came to the cost of a swimming suit with a skirt which is sold separately, but you have to have it because it makes you feel more comfortable with your body when your not swimming. You know what I mean ladies! None of the words have to be said out loud to my daughter. It is just innate common female knowledge.
Amy of course, is all about comfort and some nagging peer pressure in the back of her head of eairler; " what's cool bathing suit styles conversations" and who has what so far. Poor thing. Hold your head up high honey. Ooze what is really important, like not being a slave to fashion and embrace who YOU are and not your clothes. She knows. (hmm)

Barnaby's Pizza and home for an old movie Tom has been wanting to see for weeks. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Tom wanted to hear the words Bon Ami really bad!

up to no good:
  • Not reading anythng! HELP!
  • trying to finish B&B website
  • Waiting on Photo's for B&W project
  • Making jewelry, ideas I get off websites, nothing original
  • not getting ahold of people and closing myself off.
  • getting big time bloodwork done because I'm 45 :>(
  • getting a mammogram, wha-ho-ie


Blogger Mrs. Clark said...

I have no reading ideas but I hope someone answers your SOS because I want some titles, too! The one book I found in the airport book store last week was called "Why do Men have Nipples and Hundreds of Other Questions You'd Only Ask Your Doctor After Your Third Martini." I'm telling you, Lynne, it was pretty hilarious from my brief perusal(and pretty good info, too) but I'd only get it from a library.

1:40 PM  

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